In Part 1 of this exploration, we discussed electromagnetic torture as a tool for psychological manipulation and societal disruption. This form of abuse, mostly covert and technologically advanced, destabilizes both the mind and body, creating profound suffering for its victims.
In Part 2, I aim to share a personal experience of a targeted individual to demonstrate how harassment techniques and prolonged electromagnetic targeting can erode mental and physical health. This narrative reveals the insidious strategies employed to control and destabilize individuals, showcasing the broader societal implications of these covert operations.
The initial (active) phase involved various tactics, including surveillance, gaslighting, street theater, conditioning, and draining resources. These methods worked in tandem with classified neurotechnology to record and manipulate neural responses to external stimuli. Directed sound campaigns and other augmented sensory experiences set the stage for further psychological manipulation.
To be more specific, the individual was led to believe that they had telepathic abilities. This manipulation was tied to a specific person from their past, who was either used by perpetrators or who was directly involved in the targeting themselves, to condition their neural reactions. This person resurfaced multiple times during the period of conditioning. The first time, they were seen in the vehicle following the target’s car down the street. And the second time, they appeared right behind the target’s apartment door, which led the target to believe that this person moved in next door. There were additional sound manipulations such as auditory hallucinations of yawning, laughing, and breathing. Both times this person appeared in relatively close proximity so brainwaves that corresponded to certain reactions could be captured by neurotechnology to achieve further objectives.
“This stage also coincided with financial and social isolation. Scams drained my savings, my ex-husband withdrew funds from our mutual account, and professional collaborators began to distance themselves inexplicably. Previously, I thought it was because of slandering by directly reaching out to people, but with time it became clear to me that people could change attitudes in a matter of minutes throughout the course of one conversation. This noted the possibility of mental manipulation of other people by using the same technology. By that time, I had already learned quite a few indications that could suggest such interference. I was left isolated and vulnerable to the future manipulations.”
This experience shows how systemic disruptions can isolate the victim from critical social and professional networks, undermining their stability and ability to function effectively in both personal and professional spheres. This adds another layer to the psychological distress and reinforces the impact of neurotechnological interference on real-world outcomes. These harassment techniques create a sense of paranoia and helplessness. The loss of financial stability and social connections compounded the emotional toll, leaving the target in a state of heightened vulnerability and self-doubt.
This vulnerable condition counted as sufficient for the next phase which included physical and cognitive symptoms. The target began experiencing unusual symptoms such as pain, cognitive fog, and short-term memory loss. These were atypical for their body and seemed to align with electromagnetic interference targeting neurological functions.
Below are selected journal notes from that period:
Journal Entry (December 17, 2023, 4:25 PM): “I feel constant electrical impulses in my rear / constant influence of electromagnetic waves on my brain / interference with the functioning of my brain / disruptions in short-term memory / communication with certain service personnel through electronic technologies happens directly through my brain / attempts to control the functioning of my brain, and as a result, there is partial control over my consciousness and, accordingly, my physical activity. After certain discussions with representatives and realizing that I am groundlessly suspected of espionage, I understood that I need to defend my rights. I began searching for legal ways to protect myself from such intrusion in my personal life.”
Journal Entry (December 19, 2023, 9:37 AM): “From today’s conversation, I realized that the interference in my consciousness began in the days when I was still living with my then-husband. Namely, manipulation of dreams, insertion of thoughts, intentions. The representative himself told me about this. I hope at least some recording of this information exists. I remember how my husband complained of frequent headaches due to ringing in his ears. Interference in my professional activity, manipulating the narrative that I allegedly disclose state secrets when, in fact, I use information available in the public domain and simply apply it in my context, which I have the right to do.”
These notes explicitly showcase the harassment tactic, specified by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which is actively used to demoralize the victim by anchoring different false rationales to keep the victim confused in a self-perpetuating guessing game where every scenario exists to cause self-doubt, fear, intimidation, and ultimately the cycle of destructive thoughts.
By utilizing this tactic, the operators managed to achieve a truly devastating effect on the target’s psyche. The psychological toll deepened with intrusive thoughts, suicidal ideation, and artificially heightened emotional responses to any minor inconvenience.
“By March 2024 I was completely drained of resources, I'd experienced multiple street theater situations (wherever I went various law enforcement would act suspicious towards me, while my heartbeat was artificially increased to mimic the fear), my gun had been stolen, I got into a car accident, experienced suicidal thoughts, and I had no one on my side. The realization that you have no life, no privacy, no rights, no freedom, no autonomy, no means of living, makes you miserable and puts you in a survival mode. All reflexes are triggered easily, and your body is constantly exhausted. My physical and psychological symptoms involved cognitive fog and confusion, temporary memory loss, difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to sound, tinnitus, anxiety, depression/hopelessness, mood swings, feeling watched/monitored, muscle stiffness/tremors, sleep disturbances, intrusive thoughts/ideas, various pains in the body.” Notably, although the target experienced all these symptoms, there was little consistency to them. They appeared right in the moment and could disappear just as abruptly. And after the target started the process of enlistment with the U.S. Army, the physical symptoms escalated. “There were days when I could barely move my leg because of how severe the muscle stiffness was.”
This presents a vivid and devastating picture of how the systematic psychological and physical manipulation drains autonomy and well-being that targeted individuals are forced to go through. The escalation of symptoms, especially as they correspond to significant events in one’s life, showcases the tailored and precise nature of these provocations, likely meant to intensify distress and block any progress in personal or professional endeavors. The symptoms and their abrupt onset and disappearance highlight the role of external factors, further underscoring the potential misuse of neurotechnology or electromagnetic methods. Most importantly, there is a critical need for awareness among medical professionals to identify and address the psychological and physical impacts of these technologies.
While we are still waiting for all this to happen, our team created a chart of artificially induced symptoms involved in this particular case. Potential misdiagnosis as serious mental or neurological disorder can, if not put the victim into the mental facility, then lead to inappropriate medical treatment. Developing diagnostic tools and specialized treatments are essential to combat this emerging threat.
Authors: Liliana M., Dylan Z.